A life in B&W

Hello everyone! This post is giving you a bit of a look into what a life in black and white with no color would be like. It started as a photo challenge and I ended up really really enjoying it. I simply switched my camera to B&W mode (so it couldn’t take and color) and got clicking!
I hope y’all like it!!!

Our wood burning stove really shines like this. The curves and textures stand out a lot.
My momma doe who just had babies (though not at the time of this photos)
This already lacked color so the change wasn’t huge.
Isn’t moss disorienting like this? I’m so used to seeing it green it’s just soo weird.
Ferns about to burst into bright green fiddle heads, but for now they wait.
Curves, lines, bumps,
Rough and unpredictable they tumble among the grey trunk.

I observe them, thoughtfully, I have no need for quiet movements or hushed silence,
Though this slender tree may not startle at a figure looming,
It holds it’s own quiet heart, a treasure to all that seek it.
Even in black and white Sebastian still is camera curious.

Wait. What’s that? Is it truely color? Yes, really, because we don’t have to leave a life in dark and muted black and white. When Jesus died on the cross he gave us color, purpose, passion, and hope.
When scarlet, purple thorns dug into his head upon a crown he was beginning to give us color.
When nails, sharp and rusty pieced his hands, there was no instant relief, no instant death. He hung for hours in pain and torture, but he was giving us color, life.
When he died, giving up his spirit, he gave us life.
But even death couldn’t quench the life in him, for he returned. He fought and he won. He gave us color.

“Oh, death where is your sting? Our resurrected kind has rendered you defeated!”

“Oh, death where is your sting? Our resurrected kind has rendered you defeated!”

Thank you for being here and reading this friends! I hope you all had a wonderful and still are having a wonderful Easter (it lasts 50 days my friends).
God bless you and stay safe!

8 Replies to “A life in B&W”

  1. Beautiful photos Heidi! There’s something about that stove in black and white that reminds me of my own basement in Michigan, and makes me slightly sad to be leaving it. But I guess that’s the effect black and white has on the heart.

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